The settingis thatthe Republic of Dor (Dol, Door, whatever) is at war against the Kingdom( I think) of Garbaldia (Garubardia, whatever) and has asked for Garden tosend SeeD to help them win the war, so Garden complies and sends SeeD candidates i.e. Squall etc. so they can be tested for entry...As in this is like the final exam. All right, so
asyou know, the way it begins is really similar to that illegal movie waaaay
back. There's that big moon(earth?) and the logo, with those sevenairplanes
or whatever flying across. The screen distorts, and then it's thesea with
all these weird boats and orange colored sky, as in sunset. Squall: "Seifer, instructions." Seifer: "Our mission, that of B Squad, is to secure the center square. Let's go!" He runs offfirst. At any rate, off we go too, running towards the center square. Up the stairs?cthenthere's this street with a car and some Garbaldian soldiersto fight. Now,here is where Draw and Guardian Force come in. It's simply amazing, GuardianForce. In the demo, only Rinoa can useLeviathan, but only Squall and Zellcan use Draw, so it's even. Anyway,we get to the square and there's thislittle brown dog and a fountain anda statue and in general it's a very nicesquare. Once you get
thereyou talk to Seifer, who asks you about the presence of enemies and whether
or not they're there. You get to say yes or no. If you say yes,
Seiferis very proud of you, and sends you off to find them. If yousay
no, Seiferis disappointed with you and sends you off to find them anyway,
not standthere daydreaming. So of course you find some soldiers, fight,
and you'reback in the square, standing with Seifer, who gets really, really,
boredand is taking it out on the poor little dog, which seems to like him.
Then the dog startshowling i.e. it's signaling that people are coming. So everybody hides behindthe fountain or the statue, and sees some Garbaldian soldiers come runningin and out of the square towards a strange mountain that canbe seen in thedistance. Once they are gone, Seifer, the ever-impatient squad leader, saysthat we are going after them. =Gasp= Zell is shocked at disobeying orders,and says so. Seifer replies that if he doesn't want to, don't come. Theythen turn to Squall, who says that he will obey the squad leader. Seifer: "Ha! You want to fight about as much as I do!" Or something to thateffect, and grabs Squall's collar. Squall pushes him away, and says thatit's a chance to test the results of training with Seifer. Squall: "Thanks to you, I don't think I'll lose to any enemy that fights dirty." Seifer: "Inthat case, you'll have to thank me!" (in a really sarcastic way) Gosh, theseguysreally have team spirit, don't they? Anyway, Zell is disapproving,but theygo anyway, but Zell goes very reluctantly. So we go running
across a stone bridge, up the mountain stairs and path, meeting monstersalong
the way and learning that the Garbaldian soldiers are interested inthe old,
broken power plant on top of the mountain. Naturally, we go onuntil
we get to a cliff that oversees the entrance of this power plant. Seifer: "This is your first combat experience, isn't it? Are you scared?" Squall: "I don't have the emotional leeway to be scared." Seifer: "I'm not scared. I like fighting?cIt brings me closer to fulfilling my dream." Squall: "Huh?! Dream?! Sorry, but this is a subject I'll have to pass up..." At this point Zell joins the conversation, demanding to be let in and notified of any plans. Seifer: "I'll tell you about it someday?cI'll tell you ALL about my RooooMantic Dream!! Get going!" And off he goes, alone...Boy, is he self-centered or what?c Zell, of course, is left utterlyconfused and asks Squall what that was all about. Squall: "A subject I am very weak in. Come on, let's go." They leave. So Squall, Rinoa and Zell reach the entrance of the plant, when Seifer, who has gone in already, comes charging out, driving a few soldiers ahead of him and hollering "Cowards!" at the top of his lungs. He then goes charging back in. Squall, Rinoa andZell follow. I mean, what else can they do? Inside, there's
an elevator. More like a lift without walls. The movie starts with the plant starting to shake. A crow bar slides through the grating and falls into the sea below. Our heroes look around wildly, wondering whatis happening. Rather, you can see Squall looking around. (Drool) Next,inside the power plant, all these really cool machinesstarting to work upand lights and WOW! Indescribable! (No duh,how am I supposed to describewhat looks like no machine I've ever seen before?) Back to Squall lookingaround, then something whooshes up the power plantbehind him and he whirls. Angle changes to birds-eye view, lookingdown in Squall's confused/waryface turned up. Again, some more mechanisms,outside, looking like a giantparabola opening up and something sticking upand into the sky and a beamof light from that something lancing up into clouds. It'sGLOWING!! Movie ends,we'reback
to gritty polygons, Small Boss Battle with Biggs, then later Wedgewhojoins
in. Once you give a certain amount of damage to the guys,(I haven'tfigured
it out yet...) some wind/tornado blows them away and youface theMiddle Boss,
some disgusting bat/bee/extruding chin/purple-pink-redmonsterthat for the
life of me I can't remember the name of. (It'stoo long...) So,
fight! Damn, when that thing stabs you withthe needle in its butt,it
really hurts. But then, we always have thespecial skills of SquallandZell,
and Rinoa's Leviathan. So we are all standingthere again, on this balcony like thing, and Seifer is standing there. Aguy comes up on the lift, and gives us the message about retreat and gathering at the seaside within 15 minutes. Seifer isn't too pleased, but hehas toobey. It is a very important order, after all. So he hopson the lift,and away he goes! Leaving us behind. Really, whereis that guy's team spirit? We get on the lift too, and leave, whilethe little display in the cornerstarts ticking... Scene changes
toBiggs, who is dying, but intent on revenge. So he presses these buttons
on a little console, and promptly flops down again after screaming encouragements
to whatever monster he's called. The scene changes back to Squall,Zell,and
Rinoa coming down on the lift, and running outside. Back to thecliff,back down the slope, back down the stairs! Go go go! Imust say that althoughI am not going to give you the details of how to escape,I will admit thatit is rather thrilling. Back across the bridge! This partis tricky. Youhave to run forward, back, and forward againto escapebecause otherwiseit jumps on you. SO we're running back, through the square, where the dog runs to, and back down the streets! Squall, for some reason, lags behind. Once you're into the street where there's a car parked, a movie starts. The movie consists
of the advancing machine crushing the car, very beautifully. We get
to theshore, but Squall trips over the railing and falls in the sand.
Rinoa whirlsand stares, worried. The machine looks around, down atSquall,
and JUMPS! Squall gets back up and running just in time andis pounding
his way towardsthe waiting boat, where Zell yells and gesturefor him to hurry.
View changesto that of the monster, staring at Squallin black and white,running.
Squallleaps for safety, view having changedso you can seehis face approaching.
(Drool) He splashes intothe water but doesreach the boat, scramblingin.